Western Queen

This collection of pictures found on various trawls of the net. Also features some excellent pictures taken in 2007. She's looking a bit sad but actually not that bad considering over 10 years on the beach!

And with the wonders of Google Earth, I actually found her final (?) resting place, on Ranadi Beach, just east of Honiara on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.

Anybody who has any more, would be great to post them here.

Click on any thumbnail to see a bigger version.....

Once a loner, the MV Western Queen with new company as MV Ramos III got washed ashore, East Honiara caused by bad weather experienced in the capital. 31st January 2006

Collected from a salvage sale in 1997 (T Drew, Aus)

Thanks to Jacob Blondahl

Thanks to Jacob Blondahl

Wester Queen (former Queen of the Isles)

An excellent and very moving picture of the Western Queen (former Queen of the Isles) at rest on Ranadi beach. Notice the way the whole aft port side has gone, the view is straight into the bar! Thanks to Moffat Ghala Mamu of the Solomon Star for this.

Also notice the person on the promenade deck, gives a good impression of scale.

Western Queen and Ramos III, Ranadi Beach, June 07

Another amazing picture, June 2007. Thanks again to Moffat. Souls come to rest.....

A Friend and colleague of mine, Peter MacKenzie (AD Riley NZ) visited Honiara on business in November. He was able to take these pictures for me. Thanks Pete.
  In late 2010, the Western Queen, clearly now dangerously rusted, was cut down to the water line. RIP.
  Some sad but important pictures from Jean & George Alker taken in the Solomons, Spring 2012. Many thanks for these.

Any pictures to add? Please email me

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